哈氏合金 C276 是一種添加了鎢的鎳-鉬-鉻高溫合金,旨在在各種惡劣環境下具有出色的耐腐蝕性。高鎳和鉬含量使鎳鋼合金在還原環境中特別耐點蝕和縫隙腐蝕,而鉻則具有耐氧化介質的能力。低碳含量最大限度地減少...
UNS S31254 F44 一種全奧氏體合金,在各種腐蝕性水環境中具有出色的耐腐蝕性,廣泛用於化學加工和電力行業的管道。 F44 也稱為 254 SMO® *、1.4547 和 SS2378。相關規格: ASTM A479 UNS S31254 當天報價,隔天出貨 製作...
The content of this page is derived from Iqsdirectory.com Introduction This is the most comprehensive guide to cold forging available online. This article covers the following topics: Chapter One – What is Cold Forging and How Does It Work? Cold forging is a metal shaping & manufacturing process in which bar stock is inserted into...
Aluminum alloy 6082 and 6061-T4 are two different grades of aluminum alloys with distinct properties and applications: In summary, while both aluminum alloy 6082 and 6061-T4 share similarities in their alloying elements (magnesium and silicon) and general properties, they differ in their specific compositions, temper conditions, strengths, and applications. Choosing between them depends on the...
M2高速鋼 M2高速工具鋼誕生於1937年,由於其優異的性能和適宜的價格,至今仍是應用最廣泛的高速鋼。常用於航空航天高溫合金、超高強度鋼和不銹鋼等難加工材料的加工。一個大的...
Capable Classification Society Quality Authentication from LR, ABS, NK, GL, DNV, BV, KR, RINA, CCS,DH36 shipbuilding steel plate is used for shipbuiling&platform.The shipbuilding steel plate grade DH36 is the high tensile strength steel.DH36 shipbuilding steel is the Hull structural steel,with it’s good toughness properties, higher strength,strong corrosion-resistance,the processing properties,and welding properties.ASTM A131 DH36 steel plate can be used...
DILLIDUR is a wear-resistant steel plate brand under the German DILLINGER Steel Company . It has excellent comprehensive properties such as high wear resistance, easy processing, material saving, and cost reduction to meet the diverse and demanding needs of users. So, what is the supply thickness of DILLIDUR wear-resistant steel plate? For different models of DILLIDUR wear-resistant steel plates, the...