Copper Sand Cast Alloy (UNS C89325) – Mechanical Properties

UNS C89325 has a copper content of not less than 84%.

Tabulated below are the mechanical properties of UNS C89325 sand cast alloy as a function of heat treatment.

ÖfkeTensile Str.Yield Str.Elong.
M01244MPa (35ksi)126MPa (18ksi)20%

Cast C89325

C89325 is a C937 lead-free replacement alloy. C89325 supports the market demand for lead-free material and compliance with the 3874 Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act (effective January 2014).


C89325 Product description: Bismuth tin bronze

Shape/Form: semi-finished, mill stock or near-net shapes, anode, bar stock, billet/bloom, squares, hex, plate, profile or structural shape, flats/rectangular bar
Compliance: C89325 is compliant with key legislation including

(1) Federal Safe Drinking Water Act – SDWA,

(2) S. 3874 Federal Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act,

(3) California AB1953, and

(4) Vermont Act 193

*Duvar kalınlığı için fabrikaya danışın

Tipik kullanımlar

Industrial: bushings, high-speed/high-pressure bearings

Kimyasal bileşim

Chemical composition provided by CDA10.01-2.0% as any single or combination of Ce La or other rare earth(x) elements as agreed upon. (x)ASM International definition: one of the group of chemically similar metals with atomic numbers 57 through 71 commonly referred to as lanthanides 2Ni value includes Co.Note: Cu + sum of named elements, 99.0% min. Single values represent maximums.


Bakır alaşımı UNS No.İşlenebilirlik derecesiYoğunluk (68 °F'de lb/in3)

Mekanik özellikler

Çekme mukavemeti, minAkma mukavemeti, yük altında %0,5 uzamada, minUzama, 2 inç veya 50 mm dk.Brinell hardness (500 kg load)Notlar
ksiMPaksiMPa%tipik BHN

Fiziki ozellikleri

ABD GeleneğiMetrik
Erime noktası – sıvı1805 °F985 °C
Erime noktası – katılaşma1432 °F777 °C
Yoğunluk0.323 lb/in3 at 68 °F8.94 gm/cm3 at 20 °C
Spesifik yer çekimi8.948.94
Elektiriksel iletkenlik10.8% IACS at 68 °F0.062 MegaSiemens/cm at 20 °C
Termal iletkenlik29 Btu/sq ft/ft hr/°F at 68 °F50.2 W/m at 20 °C
Termal genleşme katsayısı 68-39210,3 · 68-392 °F (°F) başına 10-617,8 °C başına 10-6 (20-200 °C)
Özgül ısı kapasitesi0.089 Btu/lb/°F at 68 °F372.9 J/kg at 20 °C
Gerilmede esneklik modülü16400 ksi113074 MPa
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