Нимоник 80А

NIMONIC and INCONEL are highly regarded nickel-based superalloys commonly utilized across various industries for their exceptional performance characteristics. Key aspects of these alloys include:

  • Состав: Both alloys are primarily composed of nickel, but they differ in the amounts of chromium, molybdenum, and other elements, impacting their performance.
  • Механические свойства: They exhibit high strength and good ductility, but their specific properties vary, influencing their suitability for different applications.
  • Устойчивость к коррозии и окислению: Both alloys excel in resisting corrosion and oxidation, but INCONEL is particularly noted for its versatility in aggressive environments.
  • Приложения: NIMONIC is often used in aerospace applications, while INCONEL finds extensive use in chemical processing and marine environments.
  • Изготовление и работоспособность: The workability of these alloys varies, with INCONEL being generally easier to process.


СплавНикель (Ni)Хром (Cr)Железо (Fe)Молибден (Мо)Кобальт (Со)Титан (Ti)Алюминий (Al)

Механические свойства

Плотность8,4 г/см³8.44 g/cm³
Предел прочности (комнатная температура)~1000 МПа~827 MPa
Предел текучести (комнатная температура)~800 MPa~690 MPa
Диапазон рабочих температурUp to 1000 °CUp to 1000 °C
Удлинение (при переломе)30%48%

Устойчивость к коррозии и окислению

NIMONICSuperior oxidation resistance at high temperatures, ideal for turbine components in aerospace.
ИНКОНЕЛЬExcellent corrosion resistance in a wide range of reactive environments, making it suitable for aggressive chemical processing industries.


ПромышленностьNIMONIC ApplicationsINCONEL Applications
Аэрокосмическая промышленностьTurbine blades, combustion chambersExhaust systems, structural components
Выработка энергииGas turbines, heat exchangersSteam generator tubing, nuclear reactor components
Нефти и газаDownhole tubulars, refinery componentsOil and gas production machinery, pipelines
Химическая обработкаReactors, heat exchangersChemical processing equipment, valves, and fittings
Морские приложенияNot commonly usedOffshore oil rigs, marine applications

Изготовление и работоспособность

СплавМетоды изготовленияРаботоспособность
NIMONICWelding, machining, castingModerate – can be challenging to machine due to high strength.
ИНКОНЕЛЬWelding, machining, formabilityGood – offers excellent welding characteristics and can be easily formed.


NIMONIC– Excellent high-temperature strength
– Superior oxidation resistance
– Designed for high-stress applications
ИНКОНЕЛЬ– Excellent corrosion resistance in reactive environments
– Good mechanical properties across a wide temperature range
– Versatile applications in various industries


Первичный фокусHigh-temperature applications, especially in aerospace and gas turbines.Corrosion resistance across various industries.
Вариативность составаHigher cobalt and titanium for improved high-temperature strength.A broader range of grades designed for different applications.
РаботоспособностьHarder to machine due to higher strength.Generally easier to fabricate and weld.

This comparative analysis provides a clear overview of the distinctions and similarities between NIMONIC and INCONEL, helping to identify which alloy may be more suitable for specific engineering applications.