C90800 Product description:

Here’s the product description with a brief introduction:

C90800 High-Tin Bronze: Premium Alloy for Industrial Excellence

C90800 is a high-performance copper-tin alloy engineered for demanding industrial applications. This versatile material offers a unique combination of properties that make it indispensable in various sectors:

  • Copper alloy with 11-13% tin content
  • High strength and excellent wear resistance
  • Ideal for heavy-load, low-speed applications
  • Enhanced hardness and corrosion resistance
  • Common uses: industrial gears, marine components, bearings
  • Good machinability and casting properties
  • Available in bars, tubes, plates, and other forms
  • Suitable for demanding, high-durability applications
  • Complies with drinking water safety standards
  • Balances strength, wear resistance, and corrosion protection



C90800 High-Tin Bronze: A Comprehensive Product Guide

C90800 high-tin bronze is a copper-based alloy renowned for its exceptional strength, wear resistance, and performance under heavy loads and low speeds. This comprehensive guide delves into the various aspects of C90800 tin bronze, including its composition, properties, applications, and manufacturing processes.

Chemical Composition

The chemical composition of C90800 tin bronze is crucial to its performance characteristics. The following table outlines the elemental breakdown and the role of each element:

ElementPercentage RangeRole in the Alloy
Copper (Cu)85.00 – 89.00%Primary matrix, provides good thermal and electrical conductivity
Tin (Sn)11.00 – 13.00%Increases strength and wear resistance, improves corrosion resistance
Lead (Pb)0.25% maxEnhances machinability, reduces friction
Zinc (Zn)0.25% maxIncreases strength, improves fluidity
Iron (Fe)0.15% maxRefines grain structure, increases strength
Phosphorus (P)0.30% max*Increases hardness, improves fluidity
Nickel (Ni)0.50% maxEnhances strength and corrosion resistance
Aluminum (Al)0.005% maxActs as a deoxidizer, improves mechanical properties
Sulfur (S)0.05% maxImpurity, typically kept at low levels
Antimony (Sb)0.20% maxIncreases hardness, improves creep resistance
Silicon (Si)0.005% maxIncreases strength, improves fluidity

*Note: For continuous castings, P shall be 1.5% max.

Mechanical Properties

The mechanical properties of C90800 tin bronze contribute to its suitability for various industrial applications:

Tensile Strength (min)35 ksi (241 MPa)
Yield Strength (min)17 ksi (117 MPa)
Elongation (min)10%
Brinell Hardness65 BHN (typical)
Density0.317 lb/in³ at 68°F

Performance at Different Temperatures

While specific temperature-related data for C90800 is not provided, tin bronzes generally exhibit good performance across a range of temperatures:

Temperature RangePerformance Characteristics
Low Temperature (-50°C to 0°C)Maintains strength and ductility
Room Temperature (0°C to 30°C)Optimal performance for most applications
Elevated Temperature (30°C to 200°C)Retains strength, slight decrease in hardness
High Temperature (200°C to 400°C)Gradual decrease in strength, still usable for some applications

Industry Applications

C90800 tin bronze finds use in various industries due to its unique properties:

IndustrialSpeed reducers, worm gears
MarinePump impellers, valve bodies
ConstructionMovable bridge components, turntables for bridges
AutomotivePiston rings, bushings
General EngineeringHigh-strength bearings, steam fittings

Shape and Size Availability

C90800 tin bronze is available in various shapes and sizes to suit different manufacturing needs:

FormSize RangeCommon ApplicationsNotes
Solid Bars25mm – 150mm diameterBearings, gears, propeller shaftsCustom lengths available, standard length 3660mm
Tubes25mm – 150mm outer diameterBushings, pump bodies, valvesWall thickness varies, consult manufacturer
Plates6mm – 100mm thickness, up to 1000mm widthWear plates, flanges, large bearingsCan be cut to specific sizes
ForgingsUp to 2000kgLarge machinery parts, marine componentsCustom shapes possible
CastingsNo size limitPump casings, valve bodies, gearboxesComplex shapes possible, consider mold design
Wire1mm – 10mm diameterWelding wire, small springsUsually supplied in coils
Hexagonal Bars10mm – 60mm across flatsBolts, nuts, special fastenersStandard length 3000mm
Square Bars10mm – 100mm side lengthTools, dies, machine partsCustom lengths available, standard 3000mm

Additional information:

  • All shapes can be customized to customer specifications
  • Tolerances can meet ISO f7 grade
  • Surface finishing services available (e.g., polishing, nickel plating)
  • Longer lead times may be required for large castings and forgings
  • Minimum order quantities may apply for certain special sizes

Production Standards

C90800 tin bronze complies with several important standards and regulations:

Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)Ensures material safety for drinking water applications
S. 3874 Federal Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water ActLimits lead content in drinking water systems
California AB1953State-specific regulation for lead content in plumbing
Vermont Act 193State-specific regulation for lead in consumer products

International Standards and Corresponding Grades

While specific international standards for C90800 are not provided in the given information, tin bronzes often have equivalent or similar grades in different countries:

Country/RegionStandardEquivalent/Similar Grade

Welding Characteristics

Welding tin bronze requires specific techniques due to its composition:

Welding MethodSuitabilityNotes
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)GoodPreferred for thin sections
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)GoodSuitable for thicker sections
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)FairRequires proper electrode selection
Oxyacetylene WeldingPoorNot recommended due to high heat input

Processing Characteristics

C90800 can be processed using various methods:

MachiningGoodModerate machinability
FormingFairLimited formability due to high tin content
CastingExcellentWidely used in casting applications
ForgingPoorNot typically forged due to high tin content


Polishing C90800 can enhance its appearance and surface properties:

Polishing MethodEffectivenessNotes
Mechanical PolishingGoodAchieves high luster
Chemical PolishingFairCan be used for complex shapes
Electro-polishingGoodProvides smooth, bright finish

Heat Treatment

Heat treatment can modify the properties of C90800:

Heat TreatmentPurposeProcess
AnnealingStress relief, softeningHeat to 600-650°C, slow cool
QuenchingHardeningRapid cooling from 760-870°C
TemperingStress relief after quenchingHeat to 200-300°C, air cool

Cold Processing

Cold working can alter the mechanical properties of C90800:

Cold Working MethodEffect on Properties
Cold RollingIncreases strength, reduces ductility
Cold DrawingImproves surface finish, dimensional accuracy
Cold ForgingLimited applicability due to high tin content

Advantages and Disadvantages

C90800 tin bronze has several pros and cons:

High strengthRelatively high cost
Excellent wear resistanceLimited formability
Good corrosion resistanceLower electrical conductivity than pure copper
Low friction coefficientPotential for tin pest at very low temperatures
Suitable for heavy loadsNot suitable for high-speed applications

Similar Products and Comparison

C90800 is part of a family of tin bronzes. Here’s a comparison with similar alloys:

AlloyCu %Sn %Other ElementsKey Differences
C9080085-8911-13Pb, Zn, Fe, P, NiBase alloy for comparison
C9070088-9010-12Pb, Zn, NiSlightly lower tin, higher copper
C9100083-8515-17Pb, ZnHigher tin content, increased hardness
C9110082-8416-18Pb, ZnEven higher tin, maximum hardness
C9050086-899-11Pb, Zn, NiLower tin, increased ductility


  • C90800 high-tin bronze is a versatile alloy with unique properties
  • High strength, excellent wear resistance, and good corrosion resistance
  • Suitable for heavy loads and low-speed applications
  • Wide range of industrial applications
  • Available in various shapes and sizes
  • Properties can be modified through heat treatment and cold working
  • Relatively high cost
  • Limited formability
  • Lower electrical conductivity than pure copper
  • Potential for tin pest at very low temperatures
  • Consider specific requirements, operating conditions, and economic factors when selecting
  • Compare with similar tin bronze alloys for optimal choice
  • Valuable material for engineers and designers
  • Proven track record in various industries
  • Strong candidate for demanding applications in modern engineering and manufacturing