Présentation du produit

  • Nom du produit: AMS 4880-C95510 Nickel-Aluminium Bronze
  • Type de matériau: Alliage de cuivre
  • Composition chimique: Cuivre avec fer, nickel et aluminium
  • Propriétés clés:
  • Résistance à la traction: 655-724 MPa
  • Limite d'élasticité: 386-431MPa
  • Dureté: 192-248 BHN
  • Élongation: Minimum 9%
  • Applications typiques: Roulements, bagues, composants hydrauliques, pièces de trains d'atterrissage
  • Formes et tailles:
  • Barres pleines: 1/2″ à 9″ de diamètre
  • Tubes: 1 1/8″ à 13″ de diamètre
  • Rectangulaires: Jusqu'à 15″ de large
  • Longueur standard: 24″
  • Usinabilité:
  • Note : 50 (sur 100)
  • Densité : 0,272 lb/po³ (68°F)
  • Conformité aux normes: AMS 4880, ASTM B150, SAE J461

L'AMS 4880-C95510 Nickel Aluminium Bronze est un alliage exceptionnellement durable et haute performance, offrant une excellente résistance, résistance à l'usure et résistance à la corrosion. Idéal pour une utilisation dans les applications aérospatiales, marines et industrielles, ce ve


AMS 4880-C95510 Nickel Aluminum Bronze Product Introduction

Composition chimique

ÉlémentPourcentage (%)Role in the Alloy
Avec78.00 minutesPrimary constituent, provides base structure and properties
ressorts de connecteur0.20 maximumAméliore la résistance à la corrosion et la solidité
Zn0.30 maximumEnhances strength and acts as a deoxidizer
Fe2.00-3.50Refines grain structure and increases strength
Ni4.50-5.50Improves corrosion resistance and mechanical properties
Al9.70-10.90Forms intermetallic compounds, enhancing strength and wear resistance
Mn1,50 maximumImproves strength and deoxidizes the alloy

Note: Cu + sum of named elements, 99.8% min. Ni value includes Co. Unless otherwise noted, single values represent maximums.

Propriétés mécaniques

PropriétéCastings <4.0, Heat TreatedCastings 4.0+, Heat Treated
Résistance à la traction, min105.0 ksi (724 MPa)95.0 ksi (655 MPa)
Yield strength (0.2% Offset), min62.5 ksi (431 MPa)56.0 ksi (386 MPa)
Elongation in 4D, min9%9%
dureté Brinell192 to 248 BHN192 to 248 BHN

Performances à différentes températures

Plage de températureCaractéristiques de performance
Low Temperatures (-50°C to 0°C)Maintains good ductility and toughness
Température ambiante (20°C à 25°C)Optimal balance of strength and ductility
Moderate Temperatures (100°C to 200°C)Retains good hardness and wear resistance
Elevated Temperatures (200°C to 300°C)Slight decrease in strength, but maintains good corrosion resistance
High Temperatures (300°C to 400°C)Reduced mechanical properties, but still usable in some applications

Applications industrielles

Secteur de l'industrieSpecific Applications
AérospatialLanding gear bushings, bearings in aircraft structures
MarinPropellers, pump impellers, valve components in seawater systems
Pétrole et GazOffshore platform components, subsea equipment
AutomobileBushings in suspension systems, gearbox components
Machinerie industrielleWear plates, bushings in heavy machinery
Exploitation minièrePump components, conveyor system parts
La production d'énergieTurbine components, valve seats in power plants

Disponibilité de forme et de taille

FormerGamme de taillesRemarques
Solides1/2″ à 9″ DE
Tubes1 1/8″ to 13″ O.D.Consult mill for wall thickness
RectangulairesJusqu'à 15″
Standard lengths24″Consult mill for other lengths
Bar StockVarious diametersAvailable in round, hexagonal, and square shapes
PlaqueJusqu'à 6″ d'épaisseurWidth and length vary by thickness
ForgeagesTailles personnaliséesMade to order based on specifications

Normes de production

StandardLa description
AMS 4880Aerospace Material Specification for Nickel Aluminum Bronze
ASTMB150Spécification standard pour les tiges, barres et formes en bronze d'aluminium
ASTM B171Standard Specification for Copper-Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vessels, Condensers, and Heat Exchangers
SAEJ461Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Heat Exchanger Tube
MIL-B-21230Military Specification for Bronze, Aluminum

Normes et notes correspondantes dans différents pays

Pays/RégionNorme/qualitéEquivalent Designation
Etats-UnisAMS 4880-C95510UNS C95510
L'Europe EN 1982-CC333GCuAl10Ni5Fe4
JaponJIS H5120-CAC703
ChineGB/T 5231-QAl9-4
RussieGOST 493-79 Grade BrA9Zh4N4
IndeIS 3091 Grade 2
AustralieAS 2074-CA953

Welding, Processing, Polishing, Heat Treatment, Cold Processing


Méthode de soudagePertinenceRemarques
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW/TIG)ExcellentPreferred method for high-quality welds
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW/MIG)BonSuitable for larger components
Soudage à l'arc métallique protégé (SMAW)ÉquitableCan be used but not preferred
Soudage par faisceau d'électronsExcellentFor precision welding in aerospace applications
Friction Stir WeldingBonEmerging method for solid-state joining


Méthode de traitementCote d'usinabilitéRemarques
Tournant50 (0-100 scale)Use carbide tools for best results
Fraisage50 (0-100 scale)Moderate cutting speeds recommended
Forage50 (0-100 scale)Use high-speed steel or carbide drills
Tableau de données pourBonSuitable for achieving tight tolerances
Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)ExcellentFor complex shapes and profiles


Méthode de polissageFinish AchievableRemarques
Polissage mécaniqueMirror finishUse progressively finer abrasives
ÉlectropolissageHigh lusterSuitable for complex geometries
PolissageHigh shineFinal step for decorative applications

Traitement thermique

Heat Treatment ProcessPlage de températureBut
Recuit de solution870-900°CHomogenize microstructure
TrempeRapid cooling to room temperatureAugmente la résistance et la dureté
Vieillissement350-400°C for 2-4 hoursImprove mechanical properties
Soulagement du stress350-400°C for 1-2 hoursRéduire les contraintes internes

Traitement à froid

Cold Processing MethodEffect on MaterialApplications
Laminage à froidIncreases strength and hardnessSheet and strip production
Étirage à froidImproves surface finish and dimensional accuracyWire and tube production
Forgeage à froidAméliore les propriétés mécaniquesNear-net shape components

Advantages and Disadvantages of Materials


AvantageLa description
Haute résistanceExcellent tensile and yield strength compared to many other copper alloys
Résistance à l'usureSuperior resistance to abrasion and galling
Résistance à la corrosionGood resistance to seawater and many chemicals
Conductivité thermiqueBetter than stainless steels, suitable for heat exchange applications
Anti-étincellesSans danger pour une utilisation dans des environnements explosifs
Low Magnetic PermeabilitySuitable for applications requiring non-magnetic materials


InconvénientLa description
CoûtMore expensive than simpler copper alloys or steels
MasseHeavier than aluminum alloys, which may be a concern in some applications
Complex ProcessingRequires careful control during casting and heat treatment
Limited DuctilityLess ductile than pure copper or some other copper alloys
Potential for Stress Corrosion CrackingCan occur under certain environmental conditions

Produits similaires et comparaison

Similar Nickel Aluminum Bronze Alloys

Les propriétés de soudure et de brasage sont excellentesComposition chimiqueDifférences clés
C95800Cu-9Al-4Fe-4NiHigher iron content, slightly lower strength
C95700Cu-11Al-3Fe-5NiHigher aluminum content, increased hardness
C95400Cu-11Al-4FeNo nickel, lower corrosion resistance

Comparison with Other Material Classes

MatérielAdvantages over C95510Disadvantages compared to C95510
Stainless Steel 316Lower cost, higher availabilityLower thermal conductivity, higher weight
Aluminum Bronze (e.g., C95400)Lower cost, easier to castLower strength and corrosion resistance
Bronze phosphoreuxBetter electrical conductivityLower strength and wear resistance
Titanium AlloysLower density, higher strength-to-weight ratioMuch higher cost, more difficult to machine

Detailed Comparison Table

PropriétéAMS 4880-C95510Stainless Steel 316Aluminum Bronze C95400Titane grade 5 (Ti-6Al-4V)
Résistance à la traction (MPa)655-724515-690586-758895-930
Limite d'élasticité (MPa)386-431205-310241-379828-910
Allongement (%)9 (min)401210-15
Densité (g/cm³)7,648.007h454.43
Conductivité thermique (W/m·K)4216.3596.7
Corrosion Resistance in SeawaterExcellentExcellentBonExcellent
Machinability (0-100 scale)50506030
Coût relatifHautModéréModéréTrès haut

Additional Properties and Characteristics

Résistivité électrique14.4µΩ·cm
La capacité thermique spécifique0.375J/g·°C
Plage de fusion10h30-10h60°C
Propriétés mécaniques de l'acier à outils AISI HSS M2110-120GPa
Coefficient de Poisson0.33
Fatigue Strength (10⁷ cycles)207-241MPa
Damping CapacityModéré

Environmental and Recycling Considerations

AspectLa description
RecyclabilitéHighly recyclable, can be remelted and reused
Impact environnementalLower energy requirement for recycling compared to primary production
ToxicityNon-toxic in solid form, but dust and fumes during processing should be controlled
End-of-LifeCan be collected and recycled through established metal recycling streams

Quality Control and Testing Methods

Méthode d'essaiButStandard
Essais de tractionDetermine strength and ductilityASTM E8
Test de duretéMeasure surface hardnessASTM E10 (Brinell)
Analyse chimiqueVerify compositionASTM E478
Tests par ultrasonsDétecter les défauts internesASTM E114
Tests radiographiquesInspect for porosity and inclusionsASTM E1742
Corrosion TestingEvaluate corrosion resistanceASTM G31

Storage and Handling Recommendations

Storage EnvironmentDry, clean area away from chemicals
HandlingUse appropriate lifting equipment for heavy pieces
ProtectionApply protective coatings or wraps to prevent surface damage
Inventory ManagementUse FIFO (First In, First Out) system to manage stock
Safety PrecautionsWear appropriate PPE when handling, especially during cutting or machining

Typical Lead Times and Pricing Factors

FacteurLa description
Standard Stock SizesUsually available with 1-2 week lead time
Custom Sizes/ShapesMay require 4-8 weeks lead time
QuantityLarger orders may have longer lead times but better pricing
Market ConditionsCopper and nickel prices can significantly affect final cost
Certification RequirementsSpecial certifications may increase lead time and cost


AMS 4880-C95510 Nickel Aluminum Bronze is a high-performance alloy that offers an excellent combination of strength, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance. Its versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications across various industries, particularly in marine and aerospace environments. While it may have a higher initial cost compared to some other materials, its long-term performance and durability often result in lower lifecycle costs for critical components. The material’s ability to maintain its properties under diverse operating conditions, coupled with its non-sparking characteristics, makes it a preferred choice for safety-critical applications. As with any specialized material, proper consideration should be given to design, processing, and maintenance to fully leverage its capabilities and ensure optimal performance throughout its service life.