
C63200 aluminum bronze is a high-strength copper alloy widely recognized for its excellent mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and wear characteristics. This comprehensive guide explores the complete manufacturing process of C63200 aluminum bronze bushings from raw material selection through final quality testing. The information presented will benefit engineers, manufacturing specialists, and quality control personnel involved in precision component production for marine, aerospace, oil and gas, and heavy machinery industries.

1. Material Composition and Properties

C63200 aluminum bronze belongs to the copper-aluminum alloy family with specific alloying elements that enhance its performance characteristics.

Table 1: Chemical Composition of C63200 Aluminum Bronze (%)


Table 2: Mechanical Properties of C63200 Aluminum Bronze

Tensile Strength MPa(Min)Yield Strength MPa(Min)Dehnung %Brinell Hardness(HB)

2. Raw Material Sourcing and Quality Control

The quality of raw materials directly affects the final bushing performance. Proper sourcing and inspection procedures are essential.

Table 3: Raw Material Inspection Requirements

Test ParameterVerfahrenAkzeptanzkriterien
Chemische ZusammensetzungSpectrographic analysisWithin specification limits
MikrostrukturMetallographic examinationNo visible defects, uniform phase distribution
Material hardnessBrinell hardness test120-210 HB
PorositätUltraschallprüfung< 1% by volume
Zustand der OberflächeVisual inspectionFree from cracks, seams, and inclusions
Dimensional accuracyPräzisionsmessung±0.5mm for raw stock

3. Casting and Forming Processes

3.1 Casting Methods

Multiple casting techniques can be employed depending on production volume and dimensional requirements.

Table 4: Casting Method Comparison

VerfahrenVorteileHüttenmaschinen und andere produzierende Unternehmen WuSteel kooperieren bei der Herstellung von BaggernTypical Application
SandgussLow tooling cost, suitable for large partsLower dimensional accuracy, surface finishLarge bushings, prototype runs
SchleudergussExcellent density, minimal porosityHigher equipment costCylindrical bushings with high load requirements
StranggussHigh production rates, consistent qualitySize limitations, higher initial investmentMedium-sized bushings for mass production
FeingussComplex geometries, excellent surface finishHigher cost, lower production ratePrecision bushings with complex features
Die CastingHigh dimensional accuracy, good surface finishTooling cost, size limitationsSmall to medium bushings in high volumes

3.2 Heat Treatment Parameters

Post-casting heat treatment enhances mechanical properties and relieves internal stresses.

Table 5: Heat Treatment Procedures for C63200

Process StepTemp (°C)Time (hrs)KühlmethodeZweck
Lösungsglühen870-9001-2Water quenchHomogenize structure, dissolve precipitates
Entspannung350-4001-3LuftkühleReduce internal stresses
Aushärtung450-5002-4LuftkühleImprove hardness and strength
Temper Annealing550-6501-2Furnace coolImprove ductility

4. Machining Operations and Parameters

C63200 aluminum bronze bushings require specific machining approaches to achieve dimensional accuracy and surface quality.

Table 6: Recommended Machining Parameters for C63200

BetriebTool MaterialCutting Speed (m/min)Feed (mm/rev)Cut Depth (mm)Kühlmittel
Datentabelle fürDiamond/CBN25-350.005-0.0100.01-0.05Water-soluble

Table 7: Typical Manufacturing Sequence for C63200 Bushings

SchrittBetriebAusrüstungProcess Control Parameters
1Raw material prepSaw/ShearLength tolerance: ±1mm
2Rough turningCNC latheStock allowance: 2-3mm
3Semi-finish turningCNC latheDimensional tolerance: ±0.2mm
4WärmebehandlungFurnacePer Table 5 specifications
5Finish boringCNC boring machineID tolerance: ±0.05mm
6Finish turningCNC latheOD tolerance: ±0.05mm
7Grinding (if required)Precision grinderSurface finish: Ra 0.8-1.6μm
8Deburring/chamferingDeburring machineEdge break: 0.2-0.5mm × 45°
9Surface finishingVibratory finisherSurface finish: Ra 1.6-3.2μm
10Final inspectionCMM/gaugesPer engineering specifications

5. Surface Treatments and Coatings

Surface treatments can enhance the performance characteristics of C63200 bushings.

Table 8: Surface Treatment Options for C63200 Bushings

PassivationChemical treatmentImproved corrosion resistance<1μmMarine components
PhosphatingChemical conversionImproved wear resistance5-15μmHigh-load applications
Hard Chrome PlatingGalvanikIncreased surface hardness20-50μmSevere wear conditions
PTFE CoatingSpray/bake applicationLow friction, non-stick20-60μmSelf-lubricating bushings
NitrierenGas/plasma processEnhanced surface hardness50-500μmHeavy-duty applications

6. Quality Control and Testing

Comprehensive quality control ensures that finished bushings meet all specifications.

Table 9: Quality Control Tests for Finished Bushings

DimensionalCMM/gauge measurementPer engineering drawing100 %
OberflächenfinishProfilometerRa 0.8-3.2μm (application dependent)Sampling
HärteBrinell/Rockwell120-210 HBSampling
UltraschallUltraschallprüfungNo defects >0.5mmSampling
WandstärkeUltrasonic gaugeWithin ±5% of specificationSampling
ConcentricityDial indicator0.05-0.1mm TIRSampling
Load CapacityCompression testingWithin 95% of design loadBatch sampling
ReibungTribological testingCoefficient of friction <0.15Batch sampling

7. Common Defects and Troubleshooting

Understanding potential defects helps maintain production quality.

Table 10: Common Defects, Causes, and Remedies

DefektPossible CausesPrevention/Remedy
PorositätImproper casting temperature, gas entrapmentOptimize casting parameters, proper degassing
Dimensional instabilityResidual stress, improper heat treatmentImplement proper stress relief procedures
OberflächenrauheitImproper machining parametersAdjust cutting speed, feed rate, tool geometry
Hardness variationNon-uniform heat treatmentImprove furnace temperature uniformity
KnackenExcessive machining stress, material defectsReduce cutting depth, improve material inspection
Poor concentricityImproper fixturing, tool wearImprove workholding, regular tool inspection
Premature wearImproper material selection, surface finishVerify material composition, improve surface treatment

8. Cost Optimization and Production Efficiency

Optimizing production costs while maintaining quality is essential for competitive manufacturing.

Table 11: Cost Reduction Strategies

StrategieImplementation MethodPotential Savings (%)Quality Impact
Material optimizationNear-net-shape casting10-15Neutral
Tool life improvementOptimized cutting parameters5-10Positive
Process automationCNC machining centers20-30Positive
Scrap reductionStatistical process control8-12Positive
Energy efficiencyHeat treatment optimization5-8Neutral
Batch processingProduction scheduling10-15Neutral
Vorbeugende WartungRegular equipment servicing8-12Positive

9. Applications and Performance Characteristics

C63200 aluminum bronze bushings find applications across various industries due to their exceptional properties.

Table 12: Industry Applications and Requirements

IndustrieAnwendungSchlüsselanforderungenPerformance Benefits
MarinePropeller shafts, rudder bearingsCorrosion resistance, wear resistanceExtended service life in salt water, reduced maintenance
Oil & GasValve components, pump bushingsPressure resistance, chemical resistanceReliability in harsh environments, safety compliance
Luft- und RaumfahrtLanding gear components, actuator bushingsWeight optimization, reliabilityHigh strength-to-weight ratio, fatigue resistance
Heavy MachineryHydraulic cylinder bushings, pivot pointsLoad capacity, impact resistanceReduced downtime, extended equipment life
EnergieerzeugungTurbine components, generator bearingsThermal stability, low frictionEfficiency, reduced energy consumption

10. Future Trends in C63200 Bushing Manufacturing

The manufacturing of C63200 aluminum bronze bushings continues to evolve with technological advancements.

Table 13: Emerging Technologies and Future Directions

TechnologyCurrent StatusMögliche AuswirkungenImplementation Timeline
Additive FertigungResearch/Limited ProductionComplex geometries, reduced waste2-5 Jahre
Precision CastingDevelopingNear-net-shape components, reduced machining1-3 years
Advanced CoatingsCommercial AdoptionEnhanced wear resistance, lower frictionCurrent
AI-driven Quality ControlEarly ImplementationDefect prediction, process optimization1-2 years
Sustainable ManufacturingGrowing AdoptionReduced environmental impact, energy efficiencyCurrent/Ongoing


The manufacturing of C63200 aluminum bronze bushings requires careful attention to material selection, casting processes, heat treatment, machining parameters, and quality control. By following this comprehensive guide, manufacturers can ensure consistent production of high-quality bushings that meet the demanding requirements of modern industrial applications. The superior properties of C63200 aluminum bronze make these bushings ideal for critical applications where strength, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance are essential.

The continued innovation in manufacturing technologies and processes promises to further enhance the performance and cost-effectiveness of C63200 aluminum bronze bushings, ensuring their relevance in industrial applications for years to come.