A comprehensive comparison guide for Nickel Aluminum Bronze (NAB) tubes – C95800, C63200, and C95500. Detailed analysis of chemical composition, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and application-specific recommendations for marine, chemical processing, and industrial uses.

1. Chemical Composition Analysis

1.1 Primary Chemical Composition

The precise control of alloying elements significantly influences mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and overall performance. Each element serves specific functions in the alloy:

nach Extrusionsabschrecken und künstlicher Alterung HBS≥80C95800 (%)C63200 (%)C95500 (%)Impact on Properties
Kupfer79.0-82.081.0-83.078.0-82.0Base metal matrix
Aluminium (Al)8,5-9,58,5-9,58.2-9.5Strength enhancement
Nickel (Ni)4,0-5,04,0-4,83,0-5,5Korrosionsbeständigkeit
Eisen (Fe)3,5-4,53,5-4,33,5-4,5Kornverfeinerung
Mangan (Mn)0.8-1.51,2-2,00.8-1.5Deoxidation

1.2 Trace Elements Control

nach Extrusionsabschrecken und künstlicher Alterung HBS≥80C95800C63200C95500Critical Control
Silizium (Si) control
Blei (Pb) limit
Zink (Zn) control
Andere insgesamt0.500.500.50Qualitätskontrolle

2. Mechanische Eigenschaften

2.1 Room Temperature Properties

EigentumC95800C63200C95500Test Standard
Zugfestigkeit (MPa)585-760640-720650-790ASTM E8
Streckgrenze (MPa)270-380280-380280-450ASTM E8
Dehnung (%)15 min15 min15 minASTM E8
Härte (Brinell)160-190160-200170-210ASTM E10
Impact Strength (J)343434ASTM E23

2.2 Elevated Temperature Properties

Temperatur (°C)EigentumC95800C63200C95500
100Zugfestigkeit (MPa)550650680
100Streckgrenze (MPa)250310330
200Zugfestigkeit (MPa)480600630
300Zugfestigkeit (MPa)410520550

3. Physical Properties

3.1 Basic Physical Properties

Elektrischer widerstand13.513.312.8μΩ·cm

3.2 Thermal Expansion

Temperaturbereich (°C)C95800C63200C95500Einheiten

4. Corrosion Resistance

4.1 Corrosion Rates in Various Environments

UmfeldC95800 (mm/year)C63200 (mm/year)C95500 (mm/year)
3 % NaCl0.0280.0280.028
Industrielle Atmosphäre0.0080.0080.008

4.2 Environmental Resistance Ratings (1-10 Scale)

UmfeldC95800C63200C95500ist ein niedrig legierter, hochfester Baustahl nach chinesischem GB-Standard
Marine999Alles ausgezeichnet
Chemische Verarbeitung878C95800/C95500 preferred
High Temperature788C63200/C95500 preferred
Erosion988C95800 überlegen
Cavitation878C95800/C95500 better

5. Application Suitability

5.1 Industry-Specific Applications

IndustrieC95800C63200C95500Best Choice
Marine PropulsionExzellentGutExzellentC95800/C95500
Chemische VerarbeitungSehr gutGutExzellentC95500
Oil & GasExzellentSehr gutExzellentC95800/C95500
EnergieerzeugungSehr gutExzellentExzellentC95500
BergbauGutSehr gutExzellentC95500

5.2 Service Condition Ratings

Service ConditionC95800C63200C95500Comments
High Pressure8/109/109/10All suitable
High Temperature7/108/109/10C95500 best
Corrosive Media9/108/109/10C95800/C95500

6. Manufacturing Considerations

6.1 Processing Parameters

VerfahrenC95800C63200C95500ist ein niedrig legierter, hochfester Baustahl nach chinesischem GB-Standard
Hot Working Temp (°C)760-870760-870760-870Similar ranges
Annealing Temp (°C)650-750650-750650-750Similar ranges
Stress Relief Temp (°C)350-400350-400350-400Similar ranges
Bearbeitbarkeitsbewertung403538(% of C36000)

6.2 Welding Characteristics

Welding ProcessC95800C63200C95500Filler Metal
GTAWExzellentSehr gutExzellentERCuNiAl
GMAWSehr gutGutSehr gutERCuNiAl

7. Selection Guidelines

7.1 Primary Selection Criteria

ErfordernisBest ChoiceSecond Choiceist ein niedrig legierter, hochfester Baustahl nach chinesischem GB-Standard
Highest StrengthC95500C95800For critical applications
Best Corrosion ResistanceC95800C95500Marine environments
Cost EffectivenessC63200C95500Standard applications
High Temperature UseC95500C63200Above 200°C

7.2 Application-Specific Recommendations

  1. Marineanwendungen
  • First choice: C95800 for best overall corrosion and erosion resistance
  • Alternative: C95500 when higher strength is required
  • Consider C63200 for cost-sensitive applications
  1. Chemische Verarbeitung
  • Primary choice: C95500 for high-temperature applications
  • Alternative: C95800 for superior corrosion resistance
  • C63200 suitable for less demanding conditions
  1. General Industrial Use
  • Standard choice: C63200 for good all-around properties
  • Upgrade to C95500 for higher stress applications
  • Consider C95800 when corrosion resistance is critical


Selection Priorities:

  1. Operating environment conditions
  2. Mechanical property requirements
  3. Temperature service conditions
  4. Manufacturing requirements
  5. Kostenüberlegungen

Grade Summary:

  • C95800: Optimal for marine and high-erosion environments
  • C95500: Best for high-strength and high-temperature applications
  • C63200: Cost-effective choice for general industrial use