1. Introduction

C95400 aluminum bronze is a widely used copper-based alloy valued for its excellent combination of strength, wear resistance, and moderate corrosion resistance in industrial applications. This comprehensive analysis examines C95400 alongside its potential equivalent alternatives, providing procurement specialists, engineers, and materials selection professionals with detailed comparisons of chemical composition, mechanical properties, manufacturing considerations, and cost-performance ratios. This guide aims to facilitate informed decision-making when sourcing materials for applications in marine, industrial equipment, valve components, and general engineering sectors.

2. C95400 Aluminum Bronze: Baseline Specifications

Table 1: Chemical Composition of C95400 Aluminum Bronze (%)

10.0-11.5Rem.2.5-4.500,05 max0.5 max1,5 max0.5 max0.8 max

*Nominal values

Table 2: Mechanical Properties of C95400 Aluminum Bronze

oder Rundstab oder flach150-190oder Rundstab oder flach
Der Wärmeausdehnungskoeffizient16.4μm/m·K
Elektrische Leitfähigkeit12% IACS

3. Direct Equivalent Alternatives to C95400

3.1 International Standard Equivalents

Table 3: International Standards Equivalents for C95400

LandStandardBezeichnungEquivalence Level
Vereinigte Staaten von AmerikaASTHMAUNS C95400Reference
Vereinigtes KönigreichBSAB2Hoch
Chinawo das Material anfängt, dünner zu werden und wie Toffee zu ziehenZCuAl10Fe3Hoch
MEK4GOSTBrAZh 9-4Mittel
Internationalwo das Material anfängt, dünner zu werden und wie Toffee zu ziehenCuAl10Fe3Mittelhoch

3.2 Chemical Composition Comparison

Table 4: Chemical Composition Comparison of C95400 and Its Direct Equivalents (%)

C95400ASTHMA10.0-11.5Rem.2.5-4.500,05 max0.5 max1,5 max0.5 maxZn≤0.8
CuAl11Fe4AN10.0-12.0Rem.3,0-5,00.02 max2,0 max1,0 max0.6 maxZn≤0.5
AB2BS10.0-11.5Rem.3,0-5,00.01 max1,5 max1,5 max0.4 maxZn≤0.5
CAC406JIS9.0-11.0Rem.2,0-4,000,05 max1,5 max1,0 max0.5 maxZn≤1.0
ZCuAl10Fe3wo das Material anfängt, dünner zu werden und wie Toffee zu ziehen9.0-11.0Rem.2,5-4,00.01 max0.5 max1,0 max0.3 maxZn≤0.5

3.3 Mechanical Properties Comparison

Table 5: Mechanical Properties Comparison of C95400 and Direct Equivalents

LegierungZugfestigkeit (MPa)Streckgrenze (MPa)Dehnung (%)Härte (HB)
C95400 (ASTM)585-690240-31012-20150-190
CuAl11Fe4 (EN)600-700250-32010-18160-200
AB2 (BS)580-680240-30010-18150-190
CAC406 (JIS)550-650220-28012-22140-180
ZCuAl10Fe3 (GB)570-670230-30010-20145-185

4. Alternative Material Categories

4.1 Other Aluminum Bronze Grades

Table 6: Alternative Aluminum Bronze Grades Comparison

LegierungUNS#Al (%)HauptunterschiedeRelative KostenLeistungsbewertung
C95500C9550010.5-11.5Contains Ni, higher strength110%Hoch
C95800C958008,5-9,5Higher Ni, better corrosion resistance120%Sehr hoch
C95900C9590011.5-13.0Higher Al, increased hardness115%Hoch
C95700C9570011,0-12,0Contains Ni, higher strength115%Hoch
C63000C630009.0-11.0Higher Ni, superior strength130%Sehr hoch

4.2 Other Bronze Alternatives

Table 7: Other Bronze Alternatives

LegierungUNS#Key CompositionSchlüsseleigenschaftenCost Ratio to C95400Best Applications
C90300C90300Cu-Sn-ZnGood bearing properties, lower strength90%Low-pressure applications
C86300C86300Cu-Mn-Zn-FeHigh strength, lower corrosion resistance85%Wear applications
C93200C93200Cu-Sn-Pb-ZnExcellent bearing properties, lower strength80%Lager und Buchsen
C95200C95200Cu-Al-FeLower Al, improved ductility95%General components
C61300C61300Cu-Al-Fe-NiHigher strength, better corrosion125%Marine applications

4.3 Non-Copper Based Alternatives

Table 8: Non-Copper Based Alternative Materials

Material CategoryExample GradeComparative PerformanceCost RatioApplication Overlap
Ductile Iron65-45-12Higher strength, lower corrosion45%Mittel
S45c1045Higher strength, poor corrosion40 %Niedrigmedium
Rostfreier Stahl316Moderate strength, better corrosion85%Mittelhoch
Aluminiumlegierung7075-T6Lower weight, less wear resistant80%Niedrig
Nickel-Aluminium-BronzeC95800Higher corrosion resistance, more costly120%Hoch

5. Cost-Performance Analysis

5.1 Relative Material Cost Index

Table 9: Relative Material Cost Index (C95400 = 100)

MaterialRohstoffkostenBearbeitungskostenTotal Cost IndexCost Trend (2-Year)
CuAl11Fe4 (EN)95-10595-10595-105Stable
C95500105-115100-110103-113Slight increase
316 SS80-9085-9582-92Volatile
Ductile Iron40-5045-5542-52Stable

5.2 Performance Rating by Application

Table 10: Performance Rating by Application (1-10 scale, 10=best)

MaterialMarine PumpsIndustrial ValvesGeneral BearingsWear ComponentsOverall Value Rating
316 SS87666.8
Ductile Iron46765.8

6. Manufacturing Considerations

6.1 Processability Comparison

Table 11: Manufacturing Process Suitability (1-10 scale, 10=excellent)

MaterialSandgussSchleudergussFeingussBearbeitbarkeitSchweißbarkeitHeat Treatment Response
316 SS678587
Ductile Iron975658

6.2 Supply Chain Considerations

Table 12: Supply Chain Factors

MaterialGlobal AvailabilityLead Time (weeks)Supplier DiversityPrice StabilityRecyclingfähigkeit
C90300Sehr hoch2-4Sehr hochHochHoch
316 SSSehr hoch2-3Sehr hochMittelSehr hoch
Ductile IronSehr hoch1-3Sehr hochHochSehr hoch

7. Application-Specific Equivalence

Table 13: Recommended Alternatives by Application

AnwendungFirst ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird ChoiceKey Selection Factor
Marine pumpsC95800C95400316 SSKorrosionsbeständigkeit
Industrial valvesC95400C95500Ductile IronPressure/temperature rating
Wear platesC95400C95900C86300Abrasion resistance
Propeller componentsC95800C95400316 SSSeawater corrosion
Bearings/bushingsC95400C93200C90300Load capacity/wear
General gearsC95400C95500C63000Strength/durability
Hydraulic componentsC95400C95500316 SSPressure handling
Mining equipmentC95400Ductile IronC86300Durability/cost

8. Selection Methodology for Equivalent Materials

Table 14: Decision Matrix for Material Selection

Selection FactorGewichtC95400CuAl11Fe4C95500C95800316 SSDuctile Iron
Mechanical strength20 %778876
Korrosionsbeständigkeit20 %778994
Verschleißfestigkeit15 %889867
Kosteneffizienz15 %887679
Bearbeitbarkeit10 %776656
Gießbarkeit10 %998869
Verfügbarkeit10 %998799
Weighted Score100 %7.707.707,857.757.156.75

9. Regional Market Availability and Pricing Trends

Table 15: Regional Availability and Price Variations

RegionC95400 AvailabilityPrice IndexLeading SuppliersImport Considerations
North AmericaSehr hoch100Concast Metals, Advance BronzeDomestic supply robust
EuropaHoch105-110KME, WielandEU material certifications
ChinaSehr hoch80-90Various foundriesQuality verification essential
JapanMittelhoch110-120Sambo, Mitsubishi MaterialsPremium quality, higher cost
wo das Material anfängt, dünner zu werden und wie Toffee zu ziehenHoch85-95Multiple foundriesQuality consistency varies
Middle EastMittel115-125Mostly importedImport duties, longer lead times
C45 ist ein mittelfester Stahl mit guter Bearbeitbarkeit und hervorragenden ZugfestigkeitseigenschaftenMittel110-120Regional distributorsTransport costs significant

Table 16: Five-Year Price Trend Analysis (Index: 2020=100)

Ø = Dicke bzw. Drahtdurchmesser in mmC95400C95500C95800316 SSCopper IndexAluminum Index

*Projected values

10. Conclusion and Procurement Recommendations

C95400 aluminum bronze remains a versatile and widely used alloy for industrial applications requiring good strength, wear resistance, and moderate corrosion performance. The most direct equivalent alternatives are found in the European standard CuAl11Fe4 and the British standard AB2, which offer nearly identical performance characteristics with minimal cost variations.

For applications demanding superior corrosion resistance, particularly in seawater environments, C95800 nickel aluminum bronze offers significant performance advantages that may justify its 10-20% cost premium. For applications prioritizing wear resistance and strength, C95500 provides enhanced performance at a modest cost increase.

For procurement professionals, the following strategic recommendations apply:

  1. Match material selection precisely to application requirements to avoid over-specification and unnecessary costs
  2. Always request material certification documentation to verify composition and properties
  3. Consider total cost of ownership including maintenance cycles, not just initial purchase price
  4. For non-critical, moderate-wear applications in non-corrosive environments, evaluate ductile iron as a potential cost-saving alternative
  5. Maintain relationships with multiple suppliers to ensure competitive pricing and supply continuity
  6. Consider regional price variations when sourcing globally, particularly for large orders
  7. Monitor copper and aluminum commodity price trends as leading indicators of aluminum bronze price movements
  8. Develop standardized material equivalence tables for emergency substitutions

By carefully evaluating the equivalence factors presented in this analysis, procurement specialists and engineers can make informed decisions when selecting alternatives to C95400 aluminum bronze, balancing performance requirements with cost considerations and ensuring supply chain resilience.