C63000 Nickel Aluminum Bronze Product Introduction

  • تعبير: Cu: 81.0%, Al: 10.0%, Ni: 5.0%, Fe: 3.0%, Mn: 1.0%
  • الخواص الميكانيكية: Tensile Strength: 900 MPa, Yield Strength: 550 MPa, Elongation: 15%, Hardness (Rockwell B): 80
  • Performance: Excellent corrosion resistance in seawater and acidic environments, with consistent mechanical properties across temperatures.
  • التطبيقات: Widely used in marine (propellers, shafts), aerospace (bushings, valves), and industrial sectors (bearings, gears).
  • Shapes & Sizes: Available in rods (6 mm to 200 mm diameter), bars, plates (5 mm to 50 mm thickness), and tubes (10 mm to 150 mm OD).
  • Production Standards: Conforms to ASTM B150/B150M and SAE J461 standards.


C63000 Nickel Aluminum Bronze Product Introduction

درجة حرارة التقسية

عنصرتعبير (٪)
الألومنيوم (آل)10.0
Nickel (Ni)5.0
الحديد (الحديد)3.0
المنغنيز (من)1.0

الخصائص الميكانيكية

إلى 500 درجة مئوية وتخفيف التوتر900 MPa (130 ksi)
Yield Strength (0.2% offset)550 MPa (80 ksi)
Hardness (Rockwell B)80

الأداء في درجات حرارة مختلفة

C63000 Nickel Aluminum Bronze exhibits good mechanical properties across a range of temperatures, suitable for applications in both high and low temperature environments.

تطبيقات الصناعة

C63000 Nickel Aluminum Bronze is widely used in:

  • Marine applications: propellers, shafts, fittings.
  • Aerospace: landing gear bushings, valve components.
  • Industrial machinery: bearings, gears, bushings.
  • Chemical processing equipment.

Shape and Size

C63000 Nickel Aluminum Bronze is available in various shapes and sizes, including:

  • Rods: Diameter ranging from 6 mm to 200 mm.
  • Bars: Square and round bars of various dimensions.
  • Plates: Thickness ranging from 5 mm to 50 mm.
  • Tubes: OD ranging from 10 mm to 150 mm.

معايير الإنتاج

C63000 Nickel Aluminum Bronze conforms to international standards such as:

  • ASTM B150/B150M: Standard specification for aluminum bronze rod, bar, and shapes.
  • SAE J461: Wrought and cast copper alloys.

المعايير والدرجات المقابلة

البلد/المنطقةالمعاييرالدرجات المقابلة
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكيةASTM B150/B150MC63000
أوروباBS EN 12163, BS EN 12420CuAl10Ni5Fe4
D3 الصلب للأعمال الباردة لديه مقاومة تآكل عالية جدًا ضد التآكل الكاشطة والمواد اللاصقة بسبب الحجم الكبير للكربيدات الصلبة في مصفوفة الصلبJIS H3250C6300

Welding, Processing, Polishing

C63000 Nickel Aluminum Bronze can be welded using various methods such as gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) and gas metal arc welding (GMAW). It is also suitable for machining, polishing, and can be heat treated to improve its mechanical properties.

المعالجة الحرارية والمعالجة الباردة

C63000 Nickel Aluminum Bronze can be heat treated to improve its strength and hardness. Cold processing methods such as cold rolling and cold drawing can enhance its mechanical properties.

المميزات والعيوب

High strength and toughnessHigher cost compared to other bronze alloys
Excellent corrosion resistanceLimited availability in some regions
Good wear resistanceRequires expertise for welding and processing
Suitable for various temperatures and environments

منتجات مماثلة والمقارنة

نوع السبائك/الخاصيةC63000 نيكل ألومنيوم برونزC95400 Aluminum BronzeC62300 Aluminum Bronze
تعبير (٪)Cu: 81.0, Al: 10.0, Ni: 5.0Cu: 85.0, Al: 11.0Cu: 88.0, Al: 10.0
قوة الشد (MPa)900500600
قوة الخضوع (ميجا باسكال)550200250
التطبيقاتMarine, aerospace, industrialBearings, gears, bushingsValves, fittings


C63000 Nickel Aluminum Bronze is a versatile alloy known for its exceptional mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and suitability for various industrial applications. Its composition and performance make it a preferred choice in marine environments, aerospace, and industrial machinery where strength, durability, and resistance to wear are critical factors.